Thing #8
Do you think there may be a wiki in your future?
I most certainly believe there will be a wiki in my future. We are all on an ongoing journey to help our students not only learn, but enjoy learning. Anything I can use as an aid, reference or tool will be used!
I explored three different wikis to help me better understand their benefits.
1) Schools in the Past - First graders interview parents and grandparents to find out how schools have changed. I thought this one was cute and it was evident it was in relation to a first grade class because it read at that level. It was very simple and plain. Older students would need a much busier wiki, with more tabs and options.
2) Dr. Reich's Chemistry Wiki - Wiki site providing resources to support high school chemistry course and to showcase student projects. I loved that he had grades posted so that the student are aware of what assignments they are missing and are able to make up the assignments. I think that today’s student’s struggle with learning accountability and resourcefulness and wikis, if put together right, enable them to do such.
3) Math 12V Outcomes Portfolio - Twelfth grade math students create an online review for the entire math curriculum. I have two inclusion math models classes, and this would be an amazing tool for them if they were willing to utilize it. I think having them create the review as an assignment would not only give them better understanding of the subject and future resources, but give them a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Overall I love the use and creation of wikis in a classroom setting. Everything in our world is now computer based, so why not carry that over to the classroom? I do think there should be more pictures on the wikis and music if possible. I like the possibilities!
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